The worst kept secret

I swear, I am so bad at keeping this pregnancy anywhere close to a secret. Even though I’m only 8.5 weeks along, I’m just busting at the seams to tell everyone. With Little Prince I found out later into the pregnancy (5-6 weeks instead of 3 weeks). So I’ve been holding on to this secret for so much longer. Except I’m telling so many more people this time before I do the big announcement. I’ve told family on both sides already, and y’all, and a few of my secret FB groups, and most of my best friends, and a few people at work…and now, my manager. I was going to wait until our 1×1 on Monday, but I just couldn’t hold it in anymore. Now that we’ve seen the baby and heard the heartbeat, chance of anything going wrong is like 2%. I even made a cute pregnancy announcement. It’s taking all of my willpower not to post it publicly right now.